Transforming Workspaces: The Advantages of Commercial Window Tinting

By December 5, 2023 January 9th, 2024 Blog

Commercial real estate owners and office designers are constantly on the lookout for innovative strategies to enhance the functionality and aesthetics of workspaces.

One often-overlooked solution to boosting the performance, comfort, and curb appeal of workspaces is commercial window tinting.

Tinting commercial building windows using various window films not only provides performance and aesthetic enhancements, but does so without breaking the bank — it’s one of the most cost-effective ways to give outdated commercial properties a contemporary facelift.

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The Art of Commercial Window Tinting

Before getting into the advantages of commercial window tinting, it’s important to understand what exactly this type of window tinting entails.

Commercial window tinting involves applying a thin layer of window film directly to the existing glass, typically on the interior surface of windows.

This film can come in various shades and levels of opacity, allowing businesses to customize the level of tinting to their specific needs and preferences.

Commercial window tinting films are typically made of materials like polyester-based Mylar and are designed to serve various purposes, from increasing safety and security to improving energy efficiency and indoor comfort.

Now, let’s take a closer look at some of the key benefits of tinting commercial building windows with different types of commercial window films.

Enhanced Comfort and Productivity

One of the primary advantages of commercial window tinting is the improvement in the overall comfort of the workspace.

Excessive sunlight streaming through windows can create discomfort for employees, leading to issues like glare and overheating.

Tinted windows help control the amount of natural light that enters a room, reducing glare and infrared light, which translates to heat, maintaining a more consistent temperature. This results in a more comfortable working environment, which can significantly enhance employee productivity.

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Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings

Commercial window tinting is also a smart choice from an energy efficiency perspective. Various types of window films, such as low-emissivity (low-e) window film and sun control film, can act as a barrier against solar heat gain, reducing the need for air conditioning.

Not only that, but these types of window films block out solar heat while still allowing high transmission of natural light through a building’s windows. Therefore, there’s less need for window coverings and use of artificial lighting, leading to even more energy savings.

By moderating the temperature and controlling the influx of sunlight using commercial window film, businesses can save on energy costs and decrease their carbon footprint.

In fact, some window films are even designed to qualify for energy efficiency tax incentives, making it an even more financially attractive choice for energy-conscious enterprises.

By investing in energy efficient commercial window film, businesses and commercial property owners also demonstrate their commitment to environmental responsibility, which can be a selling point for environmentally conscious customers, clients, or prospective building tenants.

UV Protection for Health and Furniture

Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can be harmful not only to human skin, but also to interior furnishings and office equipment. Prolonged exposure to UV rays can lead to fading and deterioration of carpets, furniture, and electronic devices.

Commercial window tinting acts as a shield against these harmful rays, protecting both the occupants of the space and the valuable assets within it by blocking out up to 99.9% of damaging UV light.

This UV protection extends the lifespan of office furniture and equipment, saving businesses money in the long run.

Privacy and Security

Privacy is another top concern in many commercial spaces. Whether it’s protecting sensitive information and maintaining confidentiality, or simply allowing office occupants to work away from prying eyes, commercial window tinting can be a solution.

Tinted windows provide an added layer of daytime privacy without completely blocking out natural light or drastically reducing visibility out of the windows.

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For businesses that require heightened security, some window tinting options, such as Riot Glass® security window film, are also designed to strengthen the glass, making it more resistant to shattering and intrusions.

While this type of security window film doesn’t prevent glass from breaking due to high-force or repeated impacts, it does help hold broken shards of glass in place, preventing them from flying dangerously inwards and creating more of a barrier against forced entry.

Branding and Aesthetics

Commercial window tinting is not just about functionality — it can also significantly enhance the aesthetics of a workspace, both inside and out.

Tinted windows can give a modern and sleek appearance to a building, contributing to a professional and polished image.

For example, you might choose to apply reflective window tint to all of an older glass office building’s windows, giving it a contemporary facelift as part of a facade re-imaging project.

Many businesses also use window tinting as an opportunity for branding. Customizable window film options allow for company logos, graphics, or even decorative patterns to be incorporated into the film, effectively turning the windows into a branding canvas.

Five Main Types of Commercial Window Tinting Films

When considering window tinting for a commercial space, it’s essential to understand that there are various types of window films available, each with its unique features and advantages.

While some films share properties, such as UV protection, you should still know the difference between the main types, so you can make a more informed choice to get the performance and appearance you’re after for your commercial property.

1. Solar Control Films

These films are designed to block a significant portion of solar heat and reduce glare while still allowing natural light to enter the space. They are a popular choice for businesses looking to enhance comfort and energy efficiency.

2. Privacy Films

Privacy films provide a reflective, dark-tinted, or frosted appearance, ensuring that onlookers cannot see into the workspace when the light outside is brighter than inside. These films are often used for office windows and doors, conference rooms, and glass partitions.

3. Security Films

Designed to reinforce glass and make it more shatter-resistant, security films are an ideal choice for businesses concerned about safety and break-ins. They can also provide protection against extreme weather conditions.

4. Decorative Films

These films are highly customizable and can include branding, logos, patterns, or artwork. Decorative films are an excellent choice for businesses looking to make a visual statement.

5. Low-E Films

These films are primarily focused on increasing energy efficiency, both by reducing solar heat gain in hot weather and improving window insulation in cold weather. They are used to reduce reliance on HVAC systems and maintain a comfortable indoor temperature, year round.

The Commercial Window Tinting Film Installation Process

The installation of commercial window tinting is a relatively straightforward process when carried out by a professional. It typically involves the following steps:

Assessment: A professional will assess the windows and discuss the specific needs and preferences of the business, such as the level of tint, type of film, and any branding or decorative elements.
Cleaning: The windows are thoroughly cleaned to ensure that the film adheres properly and without any imperfections.
Film Application: The chosen window tinting film is carefully applied to the interior surface of the windows. Professionals take care to ensure that there are no air bubbles or imperfections.
Trimming: Excess film is trimmed, and the edges are sealed to create a seamless appearance.
Curing: The film needs time to cure and adhere completely to the glass. This process can take several days, depending on the type of film and the environmental conditions.

The Bottom Line

Tinting commercial windows with different types of window films can provide numerous benefits for building owners and occupants alike.

Whether you’re after better energy efficiency and savings on your monthly utility bills, or want to improve the aesthetics and curb appeal of a property to attract more clients or tenants, commercial window film can help.

Contact the commercial window tinting experts at Campbell for a free consultation today.