Protect Your Flooring, Furnishings, and Artwork from the Sun, Without Changing the View Out

By July 29, 2015 February 13th, 2023 Commercial, Residential

The sun’s UV light can ruin your home’s interior in no time, causing fading of your fine furnishings, flooring and artwork.

Now there is a way to enjoy the sun while not only maintaining, but actually improving the view out. Prestige window film by 3M is a superior way to protect your finest assets without changing the look of the glass.

Innovative Prestige window film provides you with a crystal clear solution to fading by blocking out 99.9% of the damaging UV rays.

The benefits don’t end with fade protection. Prestige film also blocks 97% of the sun’s infrared heat, significantly cooling your home and reducing the demand on air-conditioning. This can reduce cooling costs up to 20% by maximizing energy efficiency.

This is no ordinary window film. Prestige outperforms other types of window film including ceramic, metalized and dyed films. Prestige is virtually invisible on the glass, keeping the room light and airy, and it has no added reflectivity, so you never have that dark mirror appearance associated with standard window tinting films.

Some of the best aspects of Prestige:

  •  Works as soon as it is installed
  •  Requires no maintenance and no upkeep
  •  Pays for itself in preservation of your interior and in energy savings
  •  Guaranteed to last a lifetime

Laguna-House-best-viewCampbell Window Film is the authorized 3M installing dealership for Los Angeles, Riverside and Orange Counties. We offer free estimates and consultations along with lifetime warranties. We can provide you with samples of the Prestige window film and explain the installation process, which is clean and quiet, and can be completed usually within one day.

Campbell Window Film can assist you with finding your perfect window solution. For more information you can call us at 800-580-9997.