Does Your Property Need a Commercial Access Control System?

By February 13, 2024 Uncategorized

A commercial access control system adds a layer of security to your commercial property by preventing the unauthorized opening of doors and restricting entry by unauthorized individuals.

Access control can be applied to exterior commercial doors and entryways, as well as interior ones, providing a range of options for controlling the flow of people both into the building as a whole and into specific areas within.

If you’re considering implementing an access control system for your business or commercial property, you should make sure you understand exactly how they work and ask yourself a few key questions to determine if you need one.

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What is a Commercial Access Control System?

In essence, it’s a security measure that limits access to buildings or specific areas within them. While traditional methods like keys and locks suffice for residential use, commercial settings demand more sophisticated systems.

Common Types of Commercial Access Control:

  • Key card/fob controlled locking mechanisms: Doors are equipped with readers that require key cards or fobs for access.
  • PIN code/passcode access control systems: Entry is granted upon entering a unique code into a reader.
  • Smart locks/mobile access control: Mobile devices serve as access credentials.
  • Biometric controlled door locks: Individual biometric data such as fingerprints or facial recognition grants access.
  • Remote access control: Doors are opened remotely by authorized personnel.

Questions to Determine Your Need:

  • Is your property in a high-traffic area vulnerable to unauthorized visitors?
  • Does your business house valuable assets or confidential information?
  • Do you need to restrict certain areas to specific employees?
  • Should certain sections remain inaccessible to the public?
  • Are you concerned about the risks associated with lost keys or lock picking?
  • Do you desire better control over visitor access?

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Addressing Your Concerns:

  1. High-traffic areas increase the risk of unwanted entry, making access control essential.
  2. Businesses with valuable assets or sensitive data benefit greatly from enhanced security measures.
  3. Restricting access based on employee roles helps maintain confidentiality and security.
  4. While openness is vital for certain businesses, restricting access to private areas ensures security.
  5. Access control minimizes the vulnerabilities associated with traditional lock systems.
  6. Monitoring and regulating visitor flow enhances overall security.

Final Words

Commercial access control systems add a layer of security to prevent unauthorized access to buildings and can make forced entry harder than traditional door locks.

However, it’s important to remember that a commercial property is only as secure as its weakest window or door, which is why you should also supplement commercial access control with security glazing.

Security glazing prevents criminals from simply breaking a window to reach in and open a door from the inside.

At Campbell, we offer a full range of retrofit Riot Glass commercial security glazing solutions  that can work perfectly with a new access control system.

Contact us today for a free consultation!